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Farewell to Guest Lecturer from Germany

Three weeks really went by fast. Without realizing it, Prof. Sabine Brombach's contract with the Sociology Lecturer has finished. She has returned to completing her duties well. Various stories and experiences were conveyed when she said goodbye in f... Selengkapnya

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Internationalization Series Seminar of Sociology Study Program, ...

Indonesian culture is very diverse, as are the tourist destinations she visited such as museums, Prambanan temple, Borobudur temple and also culinary places in Yogyakarta. It was really fun, she said. In fact, she was amazed by the documentation of t... Selengkapnya


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Kado Terindah Dari Arif di Hari Disabilitas Sedunia

Arif Prasetyo adalah alumni Sosiologi 2018 menerbitkan buku berjudul “Film Inklusi: membuka Pintu Keberagaman dalam Sinema”. Karya ini salah satu kado untuk memperingati hari disabilitas Internasional yang jatuh pada 3 Desember 2024, beg... Selengkapnya
