INTERNATIONALIZATION ACTIVITIES OF SOCIOLOGY STUDY PROGRAM “Code of Ethics of Sociology Association and Opportunities for Sociology Collaboration with Sociology Germany”

Efforts to strengthen the science of Sociology in the world are still being fought for by Fishum Sociology Lecturers by discussing the Sociology code of ethics. Currently, Fishum Sociology still does not have a formal format in terms of research and publication code of ethics. Therefore, some Lecturers have difficulty in creating the code of ethics form requested by the editor of the International Journal. In this case, Napsiah shared her experience in terms of publication ethics and informant ethics for publication. Her experience in submitting to one of the reputable international journals, namely the Social Scinen Journal, the journal requires publication ethics and informant ethics that are known by the institution or institution that is authorized to provide ethical code decisions. Napsiah further said that she had received a form, but the form was not official, it was only made by herself and signed by the party authorized to provide the code of ethics. By showing the form, Napsiah also asked whether there was an official form that could be used as a model for the code of ethics temple in Germany. In addition, several lecturers also shared their experiences about requests from international journals when submitting their articles to international journals. BJ. Sujibto even added that this publication ethic is only requested by international journals, while national journals do not require publication ethic to be written in the method.

Prof. Sabine, hearing the discussion, explained that the code of ethics is an agreement from the scientific association in this context, the Sociology Association in Germany. Therefore, all German Sociologists have the same agreement. If you do not comply with or violate the code of ethics, it is very possible that the publication of the article will be rejected by the International Journal. Because the data presented is considered invalid and does not meet research and publication standards. Therefore, the code of ethics is very important. It is written in the method, while the form in the form of evidence will be attached when submitting to the open journal system (OJS). Prof. Sabine could not provide much information regarding scientific associations in Indonesia, because that is each region. Each country will have its own format. Of course it is not much different, but not the same either. The Code of Ethics of the German Sociological Association has been provided as an overview for Fishum sociologists.

After discussing the code of ethics, the discussion with the guest lecturer from Germany continued with opportunities for collaboration. BJ. Sujibto, Uzair, Andri, Nisrina, and Kanita, discussed opportunities for collaboration in terms of speakers at international events, international classes, guest lecturers, student exchanges, lecturer exchanges, research and publications. Responding to this, Prof. Sabine Brombach welcomed the offer. For her, she is very open to holding the collaboration mentioned above. However, for student exchanges, she no longer has full authority at her university, because she is under SES. Therefore, if you want to collaborate, you should contact the institution that has been overseeing her so far, for her, the collaboration will be responded to well. Especially if she is invited to an international seminar to be a speaker, she will be willing, especially using a zoom meeting. Asked about research by Uzair, an interesting theme to collaborate with. In this case, Prof. Sabine Brombach said that all the themes are interesting, only the local theme is raised to the global so that it is known by readers at the international level. Not everyone knows about local cases. According to Prof. Sabine is like the research conducted by Napsiah on the Merapi Eruption. About the disaster people know but about the eruption of Merapi and its dynamics not everyone knows. So it is important that the issue is raised to the global level, that's her explanation.

The collaboration discussed above is very interesting. For him, sharing knowledge is something he really likes. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact him, if needed. This discussion seems very serious, because each Lecturer of the Sociology Study Program tries to make a big contribution to the Sociology Study Program for the advancement of the Sociology Study Program. Moreover, this discussion is the end of Prof. Sabine's work accompanying the Lecturers of the Sociology Study Program in the Senior Expert Service (SES) program. The atmosphere of the discussion was so relaxed but serious, especially Uzair who was good at making the atmosphere more relaxed with all kinds of jokes, thus adding to the atmosphere of familiarity. In Prof. Sabine's office, Thursday, March 13, 2025 from 9.30 to 11.30 WIB, he completed the first stage of the discussion that day with the Lecturers of the Sociology Study Program. Thank you Prof. Sabine, there are actually many more that we will discuss, but due to time constraints, this session will be stopped first, to be continued with the podcast session at Studio Fishum. Hopefully this collaboration will continue. (Napsiah)